Covid-19 update

Dear Member

Given the level of enquiries and the, at times, circulation of confusing information, we feel it is necessary to now advise that the Club will remain closed to all training and other activities at least until 31st July.  

This decision has been largely influenced by the demands which would be made upon us to safely and confidently implement all of the restrictions and requirements as outlined in the Stage 2 update issued by England Athletics.  A summary of these requirements is attached for your information and includes such as:-

  1. Social distancing and the advice that a one lane gap is not sufficient (thus on an eight lane track, we would use lanes 1,4 and 7)
  2. Coach athlete group size limited to a total of SIX.
  3. Cleaning of ALL equipment before and after use
  4. Difficulty of ensuring social distancing in travelling through reception to the track.
  5. Constant Cleaning of all communal surfaces e.g:  Grab-rails in corridors and stairwells: Door handles: Toilets – if applicable
    1. AND – we have no control or influence over other facility users – how would this be managed? 
  6. Parental assurance that athlete and their family are virus free etc.
  7. No car sharing between different households.
  8. Health & Safety, cleaning protocols and coaching plans all to be co-ordinated between coaches AND Freedom Leisure.
  9. Dealing with the issue of body fluids – athletes do have a natural tendency to spit during training
  10. The arduous task of completing a thorough Risk assessment and ensuring it fits with that produced by Freedom Leisure

We trust you will understand and support this decision.  Rest assured we are all desperately keen to resume activities within the Club and once we can see further positive changes, which enable us to function in an acceptable way we will immediately and happily so advise.

By the way, regardless of all of the above – please note that Egley Road remains closed!

The next update will be issued circa 31st July, unless circumstances change such that an earlier update is required. In the meantime, we do hope that you and your family all stay safe and well



Ian Deaves – Chairman

On behalf of the Committee