
Dear All
In the light of the Government’s recent announcements, and even before any official notification from England Athletics, we feel it is prudent to cease Club activities immediately and until further notice. This is not just competition but training, and any other meeting involving our members and parents. You may know that the decision has already been taken to cease Academy activities.
As this was being prepared England Athletics have announced that this is indeed their instruction – to abandon all face-to-face activities within Clubs.
This also means that the AGM scheduled for 27th March is cancelled.
Joe Holden is being asked to communicate with all coaches asking them to make contact with all their athletes, and thus they will deal with any queries which you or your parents may have.
The Treasurer and others will be working on the matter of scale and collection of subs and will be in touch with you all before long.
Do please take heed of the health and well-being instructions being issued by the Government.
We are sorry that this is the current realistic situation, but it is vital that we acknowledge the Club’s duty of care to you all. Your health and well-being are paramount in our concerns in all of this.
Keep Well
Susan Deaves 
Ian Deaves